The world’s finest professional torque tools,
hand tools, and workshop equipment.
GEDORE is your sinÂgle source of supÂply for the world’s finest proÂfesÂsionÂal torque tools, hand tools, and workÂshop equipment.
The GEDORE qualÂiÂty promise ensures we can proÂvide tools that are at their very best; they are ‘tools for life’.
Premium tools for any application:
- ManÂuÂfacÂture
- MainÂteÂnance
- SerÂvicÂing
- Repair
- AssemÂbly
- DisÂasÂsemÂbly
We also supÂply experÂtise, based on the GEDORE Tool Group’s 90 years of engiÂneerÂing and design expeÂriÂence. Using the right torque or hand tools corÂrectÂly can sigÂnifÂiÂcantÂly improve perÂforÂmance and cut costs.
We’re always hapÂpy to proÂvide advice and supÂport, which can include designÂing speÂcial tools to meet speÂcifÂic needs.
QuesÂtions? Please conÂtact us
If your busiÂness involves any form of manÂuÂfacÂture, mainÂteÂnance, serÂvicÂing, repair, assemÂbly or disÂasÂsemÂbly, we can proÂvide the corÂrect preÂmiÂum tool for any application.
Our tools are also perÂfect for any enviÂronÂment, and have have been proven in many demandÂing sitÂuÂaÂtions, rangÂing from preÂciÂsion manÂuÂfacÂturÂing facilÂiÂties, to exposed outÂdoor sites, even in extreme or emerÂgency conditions.
GEDORE’s mission is to supply you with premium tools and
know-how to make a real contribution to your success.
What Are Our Core Values?
Our reputation at GEDORE Torque has been built by working to the following core values:
We are comÂmitÂted to designÂing new, innoÂvÂaÂtive prodÂucts that delivÂer you real benÂeÂfits, such as advanced slipÂping techÂnolÂoÂgy that elimÂiÂnates over tightening.
The latÂest CNC techÂnolÂoÂgy is used to manÂuÂfacÂture our tools to ensure the accuÂraÂcy and preÂciÂsion necÂesÂsary to meet today’s demandÂing standards.
Our tools are testÂed for accuÂraÂcy, repeataÂbilÂiÂty, and duraÂbilÂiÂty to ensure that they exceed the perÂforÂmance demandÂed by you.
We will work with you to overÂcome probÂlems by develÂopÂing a cusÂtom soluÂtion when stanÂdard prodÂucts are not available.
QualÂiÂty is the priÂorÂiÂty at Gedore Torque — through proÂvidÂing strong cusÂtomer serÂvice and ensurÂing that all of our tools are built to the highÂest stanÂdards, Gedore Torque is comÂmitÂted to workÂing in partÂnerÂship with all our customers.
Our Products. Premium Brands.
Our preÂmiÂum brands meet the highÂest qualÂiÂty stanÂdards in the world. They are, quite simÂply, the best posÂsiÂble investÂment if you require tools and workÂshop equipÂment that will perÂform optiÂmalÂly for many years.
GEDORE Torque Tools
The world’s most advanced and comÂpreÂhenÂsive range of Torque Tools, appliÂcaÂtions and serÂvices. GEDORE Torque Tools proÂvide the accuÂraÂcy and reliÂaÂbilÂiÂty required for almost every torque appliÂcaÂtion and have been proven across a wide range of indusÂtries and demandÂing environments.
GEDORE Hand Tools and Workshop Equipment
Our 3700 sq. metres facilÂiÂty in SkipÂton, North YorkÂshire stocks the catÂaÂlogue ranges for the GEDORE Group prodÂucts includÂing hand tools, workÂshop equipÂment and bespoke tool assortments.
GEDORE Germany
GEDORE is one of the world’s leadÂing partÂners for preÂmiÂum tools. The famÂiÂly comÂpaÂny based in RemÂscheid in GerÂmany has been manÂuÂfacÂturÂing high-qualÂiÂty tools, speÂcial tools and taiÂlor-made soluÂtions for indusÂtry and trade since 1919.
Our History
The world’s finest proÂfesÂsionÂal torque tools, hand tools, and workÂshop equipÂment since 1919.
Our comÂmitÂment is to delivÂer a susÂtainÂable prodÂuct life cycle and the safe use of our tools, savÂing resources and the environment.
Find a Dealer
Our disÂtribÂuÂtors in over 48 counÂtries are facÂtoÂry trained to give a full serÂvice and are able to recÂomÂmend the best prodÂucts to meet cusÂtomers’ requirements.